Conservation Corner: Disappearing Summer Steelhead – The Fate of Overshoot Steelhead Seeking Cold Water in the Columbia and Snake Rivers

Overshoot steelhead have long been understood to be a factor among Columbia Basin populations, but a pair of recent studies using tagged adult fish (Richins and Skalski 2018, and Murdoch et al. 2022) have demonstrated the phenomenon is much more extensive than previously thought. This has huge implications for steelhead management and recovery, and the operation of the basin’s hydropower system.
Gary Marston, the Science Advisor for Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelheaders United, writes in-depth about the studies and their implications in a pair of articles published by @wildsteelhead and summarized in this ‘Conservation Corner’ for @SwingTheFly.

Managing Shangri-La

John McMillan told Swing The Fly: “Do you think I want to write the obituary for the place I live in and love? It’s the last thing I want to do.” On Feb. 10, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) recognized a petition to list the OP Steelhead Distinct Population Segment as a threatened or endangered species.