From The Salmon School:COME JOIN THE SALMON SCHOOL ON SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10 AT MUSEUM OF GLASS, TACOMA. This newsletter is dedicated to The Salmon School and its return to the place of origin, Museum of Glass — we need your support. The Salmon School is a cross-disciplinary art project and performance that began in partnership with the Bellevue Arts […]
Icons: Art Lingren
Art Lingren has been hailed as “the Leonardo da Vinci of the steelhead world’ by no less an authority than Frank Amato. In this piece, Art talks about his contributions to the Spey community.
It’s All Trout Spey
In contrast, rivers like the Sol Duc, the Queets, and other coastal rivers tend to be smaller, steeper, receive more rainfall, and have less volcanic geology, all of which tends to make them inherently less productive for growing large trout.
Conservation Corner: Disappearing Summer Steelhead – The Fate of Overshoot Steelhead Seeking Cold Water in the Columbia and Snake Rivers
Overshoot steelhead have long been understood to be a factor among Columbia Basin populations, but a pair of recent studies using tagged adult fish (Richins and Skalski 2018, and Murdoch et al. 2022) have demonstrated the phenomenon is much more extensive than previously thought. This has huge implications for steelhead management and recovery, and the operation of the basin’s hydropower system.
Gary Marston, the Science Advisor for Trout Unlimited’s Wild Steelheaders United, writes in-depth about the studies and their implications in a pair of articles published by @wildsteelhead and summarized in this ‘Conservation Corner’ for @SwingTheFly.
Managing Shangri-La
John McMillan told Swing The Fly: “Do you think I want to write the obituary for the place I live in and love? It’s the last thing I want to do.” On Feb. 10, National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) recognized a petition to list the OP Steelhead Distinct Population Segment as a threatened or endangered species.
Point Of Engagement: Part 4
“Sentiment without action is the death of the soul.”
Edward Abbey – A Voice Crying in the Wilderness: Notes from a Secret Journal
Approaching Conservation Through an Angling Culture
If you’re reading this, you probably know what it is like to hold one of these amazing fish. It can be a transcendent experience. It’s one I hope my kids will be able to experience someday.
Point of Engagement: Part 3
My choice to return to the river that day, I didn’t realize until later, was an act of acceptance and an acknowledgement of the realities of the paradox itself. We are each responsible for our actions, and therefore we’re all on the hook – to the fish, and to each other.
Point of Engagement: Part 2
A long time ago, someone told me every piece of river should be treated like it’s someone’s favorite place in the entire world, because it probably is.
Hurricane Ian Recovery with Costa
Editor’s Note: Be sure to pay attention to #3, #FliesforIan, with our close buddy Josh Mills — a way to tie or bid on steelhead flies and help recovery efforts. The coasts are places we ALL love to explore and PROTECT – especially in Florida, where Costa calls home. One week ago today, Hurricane Ian […]
The Point of Engagement: Part I
“In 2021, being a dedicated wild steelhead angler means fishing through a paradox. While the enthusiasm for chasing these beautiful, powerful fish is at an all-time high, there have never been fewer wild steelhead returning to their home waters.”
Costa partners with Swing the Fly
You’ll notice that Swing the Fly only works with companies that walk the walk when it comes to conservation of our fish. Costa epitomizes that, and we’re grateful for their support.