From The Salmon School: COME JOIN THE SALMON SCHOOL ON SEPTEMBER 9 AND 10 AT MUSEUM OF GLASS, TACOMA. This newsletter is dedicated to The Salmon School and its return to the place of origin, Museum of Glass — we need your support. The Salmon School is a cross-disciplinary art project and performance that began in partnership with the Bellevue Arts Museum and Museum of Glass in 2018. Designed as a symbol of hope, the goals of the project are to work with communities of artists, scientists, and others to contextualize the finality of a seemingly endless resource: wild salmon. The project takes the form of a school of mirrored-glass fish exhibited within a defined area. The installation reflects an environmental truth and offers quantifiable context to the viewer about how disparate communities can work together for a global good. Since its inception, The Salmon School has been shown at the Bellevue Arts Museum, Washington; the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), Glasgow, Scotland; as the centerpiece sculpture of Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee at Balmoral Castle, Crathes, Scotland; and at The Macallan Estate & Distillery, Aberlour, Scotland. At each exhibition, the project has strived to work with communities of youth, scientists, and global NGOs to assess the state of the river systems with which the particular exhibition is most closely related. Its exhibition in the North Atlantic now complete after one life cycle, The Salmon School is returning to the place of its origin: Museum of Glass. On September 9 and 10, our community of makers welcomes all to the Museum, with special opportunities for those who would like to contribute. The Salmon School is a collaboration, and this exhibit offers those who have never worked with glass the opportunity to come onto the Museum of Glass Hot Shop floor and join its team of skilled makers to help craft this symbol of global environmental recovery. We hope you will come join us in creating this artwork. However, we cannot do any of this without your financial support. To continue our efforts, we’re seeking contributions during The Salmon School’sresidency at Museum of Glass. We invite you to help ensure this project continues to flourish. You can support The Salmon School in the following ways: Clicking on any of the links below will direct you to The Salmon School SUPPORT page, where you can choose your level of support. From there, you will be redirected to our fiscal sponsor, Starworks, where you can make your tax-deductable donation or sponsorship. If you would like to participate in the fish-making event at Museum of Glass on September 9 or 10, please make sure to reserve a time with Sophie Engle ( or 253.284.2121). Make or sponsor a breeding pair of fish. You can help form a glass fish that will become part of the Museum of Glass exhibition The Salmon School. Donors will receive their own glass fish soon after its completion, while its mate joins the globetrotting school. If you are unable to participate in-person, but would like to sponsor a breeding pair, Joseph can form your salmon. Learn more Here Make or sponsor a fish for the exhibition. Help form a glass fish that will be included in the Museum of Glass exhibition The Salmon School: The Joseph Rossano Salmon Project. The fish will be returned to the purchaser upon the exhibition’s completion. If you are unable to participate in person, but would like to sponsor a fish for the exhibition, Joseph can form your salmon. Fish-Size Options: Large (30+ inches), Medium (22-26 inches), Small (20 inches or smaller) Learn more Here Glass fish–making experience. Help form a glass fish that will join The Salmon School in its global travels. Fish-Making Options: Large (30+ inches), Medium (22-26 inches), Small (20 inches or smaller) Learn more Here General donations. See below for contact details to make a general donation to The Salmon School. Learn more Here If the timing of this event isn’t right for you, Salmon School breeding pairs are always available to sponsor. With your donation, you will receive the gift of a salmon — and its mate will join the globetrotting Salmon School. |