Linespeed Jedi Exclusive: Creating Tension
Mr. Linespeed is back with some really valuable help on creating and using tension in your spey casts.
Costa partners with Swing the Fly
You’ll notice that Swing the Fly only works with companies that walk the walk when it comes to conservation of our fish. Costa epitomizes that, and we’re grateful for their support.
Whitney Gould’s Single Spey
Here’s how a 7-time Spey-O-Rama world champion does a single spey. UPDATE: The Swing the Fly community raised about $2500 in less than 24 hours to help Whitney get to Norway! Thank you all! Good luck, Whitney! We’re trying to raise a little money for Whitney’s travel to the Fly Casting World Championship in Norway. […]
A Pathway for Permit
This isn’t a swung fly story, but it’s narrated by Flip Pallot and sponsored by one of Swing the Fly’s sponsors, Costa. We think it’s worth sharing.
Korkers Teams Up with Trout Unlimited to Advance Permanent Protections for Bristol Bay
Korkers has designed a limited edition pair of Devil’s Canyon fishing boots with Trout Unlimited to raise awareness and support the permanent protections for Bristol Bay.
Gettin’ Wiggly
Bamboo will absolutely make you a better spey caster.
Oregon Steps Up Protections for Imperiled North Umpqua Summer Steelhead
Photo by Joe O’Brien April 22, 2022 Hatchery program ended to aid recovery of iconic wild fish ASTORIA, Ore. – Today, after four hours of presentation, comment, and deliberation, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission voted to end the summer steelhead hatchery program on the North Umpqua River. By beginning the transition to an all-wild-fish […]
Linespeed Jedi Exclusive: Gillespie’s Golden Rule
Mr. Linespeed is back with another exclusive vid for Swing the Fly and some tips on improving your sweep stemming for guru Robert Gillespie’s climbing curve and incline plane instruction.
Spey Casting Class with Rick Kustich & Topher Browne!
Don’t miss this one of a kind opportunity to improve your casting with Rick and Topher!
Top 10 Swung Fly Presentation Mistakes
Swinging a fly is a simple technique – when it’s done right. But, in truth, there’s also a lot that can go wrong and harm your chances of finding success.
Indifly at Wind River
Indifly: Wind River ReservationSince its inception, Costa has been a part of Indifly and its mission to help indigenous communities develop sustainable local economies + conserve natural resources. Recently, Costa produced Indifly at Wind River Reservation – a film capturing Indifly’s first US-based project that aims to protect one of the last pristine places in the lower […]
Linespeed Jedi Exclusive: Snap T Essentials
ed Jedi’s extensive collection of spey casting tips on YouTube; but you haven’t seen this one. Here Tim Rawlins joins Swing the Fly for some exclusive tips just for STF members: