Spey Casting Class with Rick Kustich & Topher Browne!

One-Day Spey Casting Class with Topher Browne and Rick Kustich

Sponsored by Swing the Fly

August 27 or August 28, 2022 on the Salmon River – Pulaski, NY

A unique opportunity to learn or improve your Spey casting with two experienced casters. The one-day class is open to all experience levels and instruction tailored for each participant. 

Topher Browne is a guide, instructor and author of the acclaimed book Atlantic Salmon Magic and 100 Best Flies for Atlantic Salmon.

Rick Kustich is a guide, instructor and author of Advanced Fly Fishing for Great Lakes Steelhead and Hunting Musky with a Fly.

Cost is $275 for the one-day class and includes a full day of hands-on instruction and lunch at the Tailwater Lodge in Altmar, NY. Class size is limited to 8 participants.

Rooms are available at a discounted rate at the Tailwater Lodge for Friday, August 26th and Saturday, August 27th.

For questions or to book the class email rkustich@hotmail.com, call or text Rick Kustich at 716-863-1069 or direct message through Facebook or Instagram @rickkustich.