Beautiful Bycatch
Often a dirty word, Ancans rethinks the undesirables.
Alaskan Trout Spey
Alaska-based contributor Oliver Ancans walks us through why spey may be the way for (almost) year-round fun in the 49th state.
The Ten Seven Switch
Many of my favorite steelhead rivers in Alaska are no place for a full-sized spey rod or even an eleven-foot switch. I needed something that I could spey cast with either one or two hands. I needed a quick, short rod for these overgrown streams capable of casting large flies with no backcast whatsoever and […]
Swinging for Grayling
Casting a light skagit head made the fishing methodical – swinging the riffles and dropping my fly into seams produced a dozen or so fish, and before I knew it, the sun was setting and it was time to head home.