As two-handed Spey casting has exploded in popularity over the last 20 years so, too, has the technology available in the manufacture of two-handed (Spey) rods.
This allowed for the development of lighter, more limber rods making two-hand rods no longer restricted in use to larger game fish.

Today, “Trout Spey,” is all the rage. The wet fly swing is one of the older fly fishing techniques around, but today’s two-handed rods have brought this resurgence in its popularity. The amount of smaller, lighter equipment available has exploded in the last few years…and so has the number of anglers seen Spey casting with two-hands on trout rivers across the United States and abroad.
Trout Spey is a stable of Swing the Fly from the techniques to the fly patterns.
Our resident Trout Spey editor is Steven Bird, author and Upper Columbia River guide, who also has a great blog dedicated to the Trout Spey craft, The Soft-Hackle Journal.