Controlling Running Line

One of the key aspects of modern Spey casting is that great distance can be attained by casting the head with enough speed and force to pull the running line that has been stripped from the reel through the guides of the rod. Practicing the forward Spey provides the perfect time to work on shooting […]


Spey Terminology and Rigging

Entering into the world of Spey and a swung fly can be daunting. The terminology and various equipment/rigging options act as a deterrent or even barrier for some new anglers beginning their Spey journey. But developing a strong working knowledge of the basics allows for a deeper understanding of Spey fishing while helping new anglers make proper equipment and rigging choices for a given situation.

Non-Typical Lies

This article originally appeared in the 2019.1 issue of Swing the Fly magazine and is free to view. Enjoy, and if you’re not already a member, consider joining to get access to all the member content and the Anthology book. As Spey fishers, we dream of the perfect pool. At the head of the pool, where […]